Development Notice Board
The development at Eyre Place will create nine duplexes and two first floor apartments as well as a landscaped gardens and roof gardens.
The new building, apartments and garden will be to a high specification befitting of its setting between the New Town and Canonmills areas of Edinburgh.
Completed apartments will benefit from main door access, the latest standards of energy performance and the amenity afforded by large living spaces accessing garden grounds and roof gardens.
Sales and marketing information - including images and sales plans - will be available in late 2024.
Construction is due to take place from early April 2024 until Autumn 2025
A secure enclosure will be formed around the construction site. In agreement with City Of Edinburgh Council, the site will, during construction, occupy parts of the adjacent footpath and carriageway on Eyre Place.
For your safety, please do not access the construction site at any time.
At stages during construction, it may be necessary for the carriageway at Eyre Place to be closed to traffic. This will be done only when absolutely necessary, for the minimum possible duration and also with the permission of City Of Edinburgh Council.
Noteworthy construction updates may be added below to this website as works progress. Notices regarding any future closure will also be posted locally.
Every effort will be made to carry out construction safely and efficiently with the least possible disruption to local residents and business owners.
Thank you for your patience and understanding while this development takes place.
We will endeavour to minimise inconvenience while creating these new residential properties.
If you have any matters you wish to raise during demolition and construction stages, please address them to the main contractor / site agent:
Kevin Wallace
07739 039540
Construction Updates
- Site Enclosure to be formed from the start of April 2024
- Demolition of Smithie’s Ale House from week commencing 8th April
- Site Clearance, Levelling and Drilling from week commencing 22nd April
UPDATE - Please note that ongoing Eyre Place road closure gas works around late April / early May are not associated with this development. Notice of closures associated with this development (if any are required) will be provided in advance.
- First Phase Piling works to start Friday 14th June. We thank you for your patience while these noisy works are carried out
- The new stone wall running on the North East - South West axis to the rear of our site is now under construction. As a temporary measure for public safety while these works take place, the heras fence forming the site enclosure has been moved to the North side of this wall. These works are to be completed by the end of September at which point the fence will be relocated
-Second (and Final) Phase piling works are due to be completed on Saturday 12th October. This will mark the end of the more disruptive stages of underbuilding works. We thank our neighbours for their patience while these noisier work stages have been carried out.
- Superstructure works commenced in November with garden level steel and blockwork installations. Erection of ground and first floor level superstructure will start in December at the North East (Canonmills) end of the site. Further superstructure over ground, first and second floor levels will take place in early 2025 after which the new building will have taken its completed form. During delivery of superstructure elements there may be some occasional disruption to traffic flow on Eyre Place. We thank you for your patience at these times.